Install NGLUC (NGL Union Catalogue)
NGL UC installation includes installation of
Installation of Java SDK 6.0 and setting up of JAVA_HOME environment variable
1. Download Java SDK 1.6.0 from this link. Click here to download jdk1.6.0. This page also contains Java SE 7. But you need to download Java SE 6 JDK.
2. Once you have downloaded jdk1.6.0. You will see a file like below. Double click on it to start the installation
3. Click on the "Next" button
4. Make a note of this path to Install Java and Click on Next.
5. The Install of jre will prompted just Click on Next
6. Click on Finish
7. Let us now set the JAVA_HOME Environment variable. Right click on "My Computer" on your desktop and select the option Properties
8. Select the tab Advanced and click on the button Environment Variables
9. Under the System Variables area click on the New button
10. You will be prompted to create a new system variable. In the variable name enter JAVA_HOME and in the variable value enter the path of the jdk Installation Point 4. And click on the Ok button.
You can now see the JAVA_HOME Variable set as shown below. Now click on the Ok button.
Installation of Postgresql 8.3
1. Download Postgresql 8.3 from this link
2. The downloaded file will be a zip file. Extract that file into a directory. you will see the following files as show below. Double click on the file Postgresql-8.3.msi.
3. Select English and click on the start button
4. Click on the Next button
5. Click on the Next button
6. Click on the Next button
7. Make sure that Install as service is selected. Enter account password as "newgenlib" and retype the password "newgenlib" in the verified password text box. Click on Next button.
8. The system will now create a user called postgres. Click on Yes to create a user name postgres
9. The system may prompt that the password is weak click on No.
10. Make sure that initialize database cluster is checked. "Accept connections on all address, Not just localhost" must be checked. "Encoding (Server)" Must be UTF8.
Client must be UTF8. Password is "newgenlib" Retype password as "newgenlib" Click on Next button.
11. You may get a warning message regarding remote connections click on Ok.
12. In "Enable procedural languages" click on Next
13. In "Enable contrib modules" click on Next.
14. The Postgres is now ready to Install. Click on Next.
15. Once the Installation of Postgres is complete you will get installation complete window. Uncheck Launch builder at exit and Click on Finish button.
Installing the NGLUC:
1. Download NGLUC from this link. If you have already downloaded this file in the Download page, skip this step.
2. This will download a file Extract this file, for this example we have extracted the zip file into C: Drive. In C: Drive you will now see a directory name "InstallNGLUC". The contents of this directory. You may extract the zip file into any directory.
3. Now go into C:\InstallNGLUC\apache-ant-1.8.3\bin directory. In this directory you will find a file config.ini. open this file using Wordpad or Notepad. Edit the parameters as explained below.
Note: (the Installation can be done in any drive, the chosen location should be edited at "Install.NGLUC.In")
4. Save the changes made to config.ini
5. Go to C:/InstallNGLUC and Double click on Install batch file.
6. This will Open command prompt and execute the scripts as shown below.
7. As soon as the installation is finished it would prompt to click on "return key" (i.e. enter key).
8. In C: Directory you will see a folder name "NGLUC".
9. Go to C:\NGLUC\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\bin and double click on the “RunNGLUCServer.bat”.
10. After the server is started, open the web browser and enter this link http://localhost:8080/NGLUC/Home