NewGenLib ILMS will be installed in your server system and after receiving all the machine readable bibliographic data from Central library, NewGenLib data conversion team will analyze the data and convert the data into NewGenLib native structures. In case, the library's metadata database of monographs, serials, reprints, reports, etc., is already in machine-readable format, we will assist you in converting this into the internal MARC-21 format of NewGenLib. We will not add any value to your records. They will be converted as is.
If a library's monograph and serial records are not in machine-readable format, we will provide training to staff in using NewGenLib to import records from the Library of Congress and other MARC-21 data sources and integrate it into your database.
In most cases, customizations will not be required. However, if there are customizations that are specific to a library, these will be taken up only on payment of charges to be determined and will depend on the nature of the customization. If it is found that the customization is of a generic nature then such customization will be provided free of charge.
Training will be conducted in the organization's premises or Online using desktop sharing tools.
For Onsite training rail fare (A/c 2-tier or 3-Tier) for overnight journey and air-fare for long distance along with local hospitality to be borne by the client.
VSPL provides support services through email, telephone, online chat and online desktop sharing. We also update you with our latest releases, versions, updates, upgrades and bug fixes, provided free of cost if the client is in Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) after one free year from the time of purchase. In case of Discontinued AMC, client can regularize AMC by paying arrears.
As a rule, VSPL provides 'after-sales' support predominantly using Information Technology (IT)-enabled methods, i.e., via email, chat sessions and discussion group postings, telephone. and lastly via Online Desktop sharing tools Licensees will be informed of the numbers and IDs to use to avail the IT- and telephone- enabled support services. Similarly, updates and bug fixes and information about these will be posted to the web and Licensees will be informed of such postings so that these can then be downloaded and used on Licensee installations.
Any further visits will be undertaken only if the Institution agrees to pay per day charges, rail fare (A/c 2-tier or 3-Tier) for overnight journey and Air-fare for long distance along with local hospitality for such visits.